Negative Reviews of Arch Linux

First let me say that I have been using Linux for nearly twenty years. I've seen distros come and go. I witnessed the birth of package management. I remember when every distribution was a text-based install and then a huge fight with X.

Now then. I feel that Arch is the most powerful and best documented distribution in Linux history. It can be anything you want it to be. You have control over nearly every element of your build. Of course, with this kind of power comes (wait for it) great responsibility.

There are several Arch-based distros with easy installers and friendly communities. Check out Reborn or Antergos. However, pure Arch is NOT intended for new users or "it's not doing what I think it should, let me start a forum post" people. It's intended for people who WANT to get their hands dirty and really get down into the nuts and bolts of their system.

Anytime I see a negative review of Arch, it almost always mentions how you will get your head bitten off by the community. Arch forums is a place where there ARE stupid questions and the community will call you on them and hope that you either grow as a user or go away and use something else.

So really these reviews boil down to "I bit off more than I can chew and I'm not really ready for a DIY distribution." And that's fine. As I said, there are many user-friendly ways to harness the power of Arch.


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